The Maze Rapid
"The Maze" does not have to be as chaotic as many paddlers find it. Knowing a few key landmarks will help you choose the best line. You will reach "The Maze" 4km after the Guinea Fowl portage put-in. There is an island that separates The Maze into two main channels.
The Maze has been scoured by flooding recently, washing away a lot of the vegetation and subsequently opening it up more, especially right of the island.
Key Landmarks: The big tree on the island and the prominant boulders on your right.
Your best option is still to go LEFT of the island (blue line above). There is however a "racing line", right of the island but if you get it wrong, it is likely you will have to get out (green line above).
Get your bearings on the large tree just after the island split. Keep the tree on your right and you will be on the correct side of the island.
Simply three things to remember for the left channel (right - left - right)
1. Keep RIGHT opposite the tree through the small drop.
2. Head immediately LEFT to avoid a shallow rock shelf.
3. Tuck in hard RIGHT after the shelf to get back to the right side.
In high water levels simply keep right all the way down.
If you want to give the right channel a go, there is basically one thing to be aware of: Keep as close to the island as you can where the river spilts. I.e. hug the inside line. Get it right and it is quick and easy. Get it wrong and it is rocky and shallow.
The Maze (LEFT Channel) - Medium-Low Level
The Maze (RIGHT hand channel) - Medium Low Level