Mission Rapid 

Mission Rapid is one of those rapids on the Duzi River where it really helps to know your lines. The presence of crowds here also adds to the hype and nerves. Mission follows soon after The Maze and the bridge before it is a very clear landmark.

Mission has two distinct parts to it:

  • The Top Section - characterised by a couple of big drops and a fairly gentle gradient.

  • The Bottom Section - made up of a small, rocky islands with deeper channels going extreme left and right.

In high water there is a narrow sneak, off to the left, that takes you back into the mainstream and avoiding the top-section entirely. 

See Mission Videos.


- Golden rule is keep LEFT. In low water enter from the right heading left to avoid the drops on the right, but also avoid the strong eddy on the left bank that will spin you out.  

- The first drop looks intimidating, but it is quite gentle. Paddle straight and confidently.

- The second drop has a large boulder on the left, hidden from upstream, but is easy to miss if you anticipate it, and you can go either side of it.

mission top

 Below are the two drops on the Top-Section in medium-low conditions.

mission stopper1

mission stopper2


The lower section of Mission has two channels:

- Extreme left

- Extreme right.

The left channel is quicker, steeper and slightly riskier than the right-hand channel. In high water the left becomes easier as the rocks get covered.

Left Channel Option

After the top ledges keep left and follow the main course of the water down the narrow chute at the end. Concentrate on a good approach and use your paddles to assist your direction. Be aware that the water is tending to push right in the approaches.

There is only room for one boat at a time so keep a good following distance.

mission lower_quad1

Right-hand Channel

Keep right and follow the water, exiting centre. See images below. In medium to low conditions it is going to look a little more rocky.

Link to Mission Videos here
