No.5 and 6 Rapid - Umkomaas

No.5&6 is the most respected rapid on this section. It is both big and technical and a swim here is can mean a wrap. If you haven't scouted this one from the bank at some stage, then it is best to portage. Take out on the grassy right bank.

no56 umko_google01

If you decide to shoot, there are two lines depending on water levels. Above about 1.4m go right of the pinnacle otherwise you can go left as well. The main current flows straight into the pinnacle so going with the flow is not going to help you achieve your objective. Decisive paddling and skilled navigation is definitely required. After the pinnacle there is still plenty to avoid so stay sharp and avoid the boulders and pour-overs.

no56 approach_01

no56 approach_02

The image below shows the pinnacle from an upstream view.

no56 upstream01

Video Footage

This video footage was taken when the river was at 1.5m at Hela Hela. The line taken was left of the pinnacle. (thanks to Don Wewege)
