No.2 Rapid - Umkomaas

No.2 Rapid is about 2km downstream of No1. The river does a big sweep to the left and splits around a big island. The length of this rapid makes it challenging as there are many large boulders and holes to avoid along its approximately 500m length. 

Start by going right of the island when the river splits. Keep left at the top of this channel and slowly make your way across to the centre exiting river right. The rapid is "readable" so stay focussed and steer with determination for the cleanest options.

umko aerial_no2

The image below shows the valley features to look out for to indicate that you are about to enter No2.

no2 approach_m_02

Video Footage

The video below was taken when the river level was 1.3m at Hela Hela during the 2013 Stihl Umko Marathon.

The video below was at 1.5m at Hela Hela (thanks to Don Wewege)
