No.3 Rapid - Umkomaas

No.3 has a high water sneak on the inside bend which is not recommended below 1.6m, rather head down the main channel. In the main channel keep well left to avoid a big rock left of centre 3/4 of the way down. Below the rapid the water washes up against a rock face before turning left, however this is easy to avoid.

umko google_no3ii

The image below shows the valley features to look out for to indicate that you are about to enter No3.

Look out for the "Landmark" boulder feature if in doubt as to whether you are approaching No.3. 

The centre of the rapid gets a bit messy at higher levels so keep left. 


no3 upstream

Video Footage

Video at 1.5m at Hela Hela. NOTE: This is centre line, not left of the rock at the bottom.
